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From Darkest to Brightest

Psalm 23:4
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

When I walk through the darkest of valleys in my life, am I required to fear?

I think not.

If a child is awakened by a wild thunderstorm and he runs to scoot into his parents’ bed, why is his location a factor in his ability to sleep? The storm is still raging whether he’s in his bed or his parents’ bed. The parents aren’t making the storm stop.

When the child runs to his parents and feels their presence, the storm isn’t as scary and sleep comes more quickly. Just being with his parents makes him feel better.

We can run to God and feel his presence when we are in our dark valleys. We don’t have to fear the shadow of anything. He will comfort us and turn our dark hours into bright and glorious moments with him.

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