He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: “The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.”
If you read Luke 24:1-8, you’ll find women bowing in fear in the presence of an angel. The angel who spoke to the women at the grave of Jesus told them something they already knew, but had forgotten.
How many times do we gather information from what we read, hear, or experience, and then we forget it? I believe God has sent angels from time to time to remind us of what was right in front of us.
Do we sometimes forget important things when we let situations change our emotions? These women at the grave were caught up in the emotional experience of seeing the one they love die on the cross. In that situation, it may have been difficult for them to keep repeating to themselves, “He said he’d rise again. He said he’d rise again.”
God wanted his message of hope to continue through their mouths to the others, so sending an angel was a great way to make sure the reminder was memorable. I imagine the experience with the angel stayed with them until they saw their risen Lord.
When you are in a situation that looks hopeless, remember that God may have given you a message of hope already. What do you do when you hear from God?
A good way to remember what God has already spoken to you is to keep a journal of where God has taken you. Journal entries can mention how God has led you in your prayer times, specific scriptures that have stood out as important for your life at that time, or a direct word from God.
We all forget things from time to time, but keeping it written down will help you find those important messages again.
That's just what I do! I have a prayer/praise journal that I write in every day. Then, weeks or months later I often look back through its pages to remind myself of answered prayers and of God's blessings. (Which of course, gives me another reason to write down praises!!) Thanks for the great reminder!
Living for Him, Joan Davis
You're welcome! Thanks for stopping by.
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