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Deceitful Gain

Genesis 27:35
But he said, “Your brother came deceitfully and took your blessing.”

When you think of the story of Jacob and Esau, the word “deceit” comes to mind. Although he was helped by his mother, Jacob was the one who deceived his father into giving him his brother’s blessing.

Jacob received the blessing, but did he walk in honor? No. He had to run away to protect himself from Esau who was consoling himself with the thought of killing him.

Many people are able to get what they want – one way or another – like Jacob. Anyone can stoop to being a deceitful scammer, but I don’t think it feels as good as getting what you’ve earned and walking in honor.

Why flee when you can live free?

It’s hard to forgive those who take things by deception. The good news, however, is that Esau was able to forgive Jacob. Genesis 33:4 tells us that the brothers saw each other again after years of separation – and Esau didn’t kill him as Jacob had feared.


Beth Herring said...

Fabulous Word today. Its always amazing how we can know these bible truths but see them in a different light.

Love to you!

Domino said...

Thanks for your encouraging comment.

Love your blog:

Have fun with your grandkids!

precious said...

This is something to think about, "Why flee when you can live free?" What we read in the bible can indeed help us to live a happy and contented life!
Christian fiction