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We Must Help The Weak

Acts 20:35

“…we must help the weak, remembering the words of the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”
“Home is where the heart is” takes on a different meaning when you don’t actually have a home to go home to.

Plenty of people are in need of help in Florida and Texas after hurricanes have destroyed billions of dollars of property. Depending on where they lived, some people have very little to go home to. Some have saved important belongings because of their ability to prepare for the storm quickly. If they didn’t live in a flood plain, they probably didn’t have flood insurance and will have to repair what they can when they can. 

I know several people whose homes were damaged. Unfortunately, I can’t help all of them. So I’ve been helping my mom. Her home was flooded last year by the same river whose banks overflowed again this year. We knew we had to help her prepare for the storm by putting furniture in a storage facility that would likely stay dry until she can move it all back into her home. We saved what we could, but now we’re helping to remove flood-damaged drywall and flooring that was less than a year old.

Today, help where you can. If you have neighbors struggling with their own hurricane recovery, offer to lend a hand. If you live far away from the disasters, consider praying and giving online. 

Many who live away from the weather-affected areas are checking on friends who live along the Texas Gulf Coast and in Florida. They’re asking two things:

  • How can I help?
  • What do you need?

Both of those questions are appreciated by those who are overwhelmed with the new To Do list that they weren’t anticipating. Many people in my neighborhood are helping where they can, either by donating supplies or volunteering their time.

During this time of need for so many people, find out what the need is in your local area. Pay attention to the requests for help from your friends and neighbors. Volunteer with an organization that is serving the community.

Use your gifts and help where you can. It is appreciated by those who are overwhelmed by their need. God sees your generous heart and your busy hands. Let him direct your activity.

And let me be the first to say, “Thanks!”

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