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Rest from Vacation

Colossians 3: 15
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.

We’re back from our family vacation, and we’re enjoying a few photos and videos that we took. The images remind us of all the fun we had. Frankly, we need that reminder while we’re doing all the laundry and cleaning up and getting back into the routine again. It’s a lot of work to come home from a road trip.  

I’m sure I’m not the only one who has said, “I need a vacation after my vacation.”

Our trip was packed with places to go and things to do and see. We even stayed in a couple of places that had a laundry room so we’d have clean clothes to wear for the next few days. We’d been hiking so laundry facilities were quite a blessing. But the early/late hours, physical exertion, and almost constant activity were enough to wear out anyone. By the time we got home, the one thing I looked forward to was my bed.

Peace and rest are very closely connected. When the chaos of fun gets to us, we can rest in God’s presence and find His peace.

During our trip, my daughter and I went on a five-mile walk instead of a two-mile walk because we passed up the ice cream store. I want to be reminded of the peace of Christ when my feet hurt. I asked her to sing to me on the way back from getting her an ice cream cone because I thought it would help distract her from her own foot pain. We ended up thankful for the extra-long walk.

When you take an exciting vacation and come back exhausted, you probably welcome the peace of Christ just like I do.

Thanks for joining me. Please come back and seek God with me again.

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