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A Better Life

2 Corinthians 3:6

He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

Children can be called Forces of Change. I use that phrase because adults have to adjust their schedules and habits when children come to live in their home. Becoming a parent causes us to take a closer look at ourselves and the decisions we make.

As parents, many of us judge ourselves based on the character of our children. We teach the kids all we can and hope they understand our values. One woman saw my child do something, and then she looked at me and said sarcastically, “I wonder where she learned that.”

Just like our children say and do what we say and do, we should be saying and doing what we learn in our relationship with God. If we allow God to be our teacher, others should be able to see God’s character in our actions and attitudes. Many of us have confidence in our parenting skills, not because we have faith in ourselves, but because we have faith in God and what he can do (and does) in our lives.

In 2 Corinthians, Paul writes about being a competent minister of the new covenant. He understood and was trying to teach others the concept that the rules and regulations of religion is a trap we want to avoid, but the word of God which lives in our hearts is an adventure of glorious freedom.

We relish opportunities to teach our children how to listen to God’s guidance so they’ll fall into the success that God holds for them.

For centuries, parents have wanted a better life for their kids. I want my kids to know the Spirit of God because I want them to have a better life, not just life with all its limitations. A better life comes to those who train themselves to obey God.

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