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Good Works

Ephesians 2:8-10

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Today I dropped my daughter off at the church bus headed to summer camp. She was packed and ready for new adventures this morning. But after weeks of high heat outside and no rain, this morning it rained. We were in slow traffic because of large road puddles. At times like these, everyone has to use an extra measure of patience. We were in a hurry to get to the bus because we didn’t want to be the ones holding everyone else up, delaying their trip. We eventually arrived – and we weren’t the last ones there either. Before I left her, I reminded her to support her friends as they all three tried to quench any teen “attitude” in their group. I think they’ll be fine.

Saying goodbye this morning was exciting. We both knew she’d have lots of fun stories to tell when she got home. So now I sit at home and wait to hear how she served others and how she learned more about herself in the process.

She’s doing good works.

She knows she was created for good works. God gave her a generous heart, a calm personality, and a stable willingness to obey instructions. Often, she brings good things to an emotional experience.

We all have our God-ordained good works to do. As we see the needs of others around us, we can see that some of those needs are issues we can help with and some we can’t help with. We have to listen to God speaking to our hearts. Is God telling you to help your friend or neighbor or does he want you free to do something else? Seeking God is a daily thing.

You were created to do good works. You were not saved by works, but for them. You were created to be unique and different so that you can do the good works which were designed specifically for a person with your talents.

Listening to God on a regular basis gets us in a habit of obedience and success. You can’t do everything. Not by yourself. But you can do what you were created to do.

Do you have a moment for God? Seek Him now.

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