And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.
After Jesus had been crucified, a few men were walking down a road on their way to Emmaus. Jesus came to them and asked what they were talking about, but they didn’t know who he was. They figured he was from out of town and had just arrived, so he couldn’t know what had just happened. But after they gave him an overview of the local news, Jesus reminded them of things they already knew. Before he explained everything to them, he asked, “Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?”
Jesus was patient with them and taught them that what they were witnesses to had been prophesied by men of earlier generations. He didn’t call them fools and walk off in disgust. He persevered and built up the disheartened men and gave them reasons to believe the truth. Because of the passion and tenacity of Jesus, the men didn’t want him to leave when they arrived where they were going. So Jesus surprised them with a creative way to take his leave.
No one could’ve talked them out of believing what they’d experienced. They’d encountered the risen Lord who took the time to help them understand the context of what they’d been through.
Going to church is one way to seek God. Reading the Bible is another way to seek God. But I recommend doing everything you can do to help your mind to understand the bigger context of what you’re going through. The men on their way to Emmaus knew the scriptures and discussed the possibilities of what God was doing, but needed Jesus to tie it all together for them. Without God’s input, our foolish minds won’t get the big picture.
Luke 24:45 shows how we should begin our Bible reading time. “Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.” We should begin by asking God for understanding. There are a lot of things in the Bible that I need God to explain to me. He will have to open my mind to some things I don’t understand. And while I wait for him to open my mind in those areas, I will keep seeking Him.
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