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Know Why You're Here, part three

Ephesians 2:10
For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

In part one of this series, I mentioned that God created each of us with unique abilities that are required for us to accomplish our purpose during our stay on Earth. I suggested that we all find out our purpose so we can know our goals, itinerary, and focus.

In part two, I mentioned that we can’t really accomplish all we were created to do unless we submit to God’s plan and rely on His power.

I want to add that God’s planning was pretty thorough. He not only designed us with special gifts and made His power available to us, but He also picked out our specific “good works” in advance.

Some people accept Jesus as their Savior and sit back, thinking they’ve finished their responsibilities. Those are the people who miss out on part of what they were made to do.

Churches enlist volunteers to work on different kinds of projects which range from neighborhood evangelism to youth ministry, to delivering meals to those in mourning. But what if your gifts don’t fit any of your church’s ministry offerings?

The only way you’ll fulfill your calling is to find out from God where and how He planned for you to participate in ministry. You can fill an open slot on the volunteer list at your church, but you won’t feel satisfied in your ministry if you’re not accomplishing what God has pre-planned for you to do.

Simply stated, your ministry success depends on your obedience to God.

But you knew that, right?

Many people know that, but they still sign up for whatever seems easy at the moment, not taking into account how their participation will affect others who were designed to do that job. Are you impairing someone else’s ministry success by not being where God wanted you?

Find those “good works” God has already picked out for you. Listen for His guidance, and you’ll be in the perfect place to succeed.

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